Do They Use Math? A Day in the Life of a Forensic Analyst

Ever wonder how the forensic team at a crime scene solve a case through the evidence they collect? The answer is through the use of math! Can you believe it? Forensic analysts use scientific techniques to solve criminal cases. They use techniques such as fingerprinting, blood analysis, voice and speech spectrograms, etc. – with the assistance of computer programs that help analysis data at a faster rate than a human.

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To be a forensic analyst, it is generally required that you get an undergraduate degree in mathematics, chemistry, biology, or criminal science. After your education, you can usually start applying for crime lab jobs and gain experience through lower positions before working your way up. Another option is to continue your education through graduate school, earning an MSFS (Master’s in Science of Forensic Science) degree, which is a 2-year program.

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When Math Is Used

A forensic analyst uses math every time they collect data and have to analyze it for evidence in a case. Specific uses of math include blood analysis, DNA collection, fingerprinting, psychoanalysis and methodology of the attack against the victim. A lot can be revealed in the analysis of evidence left at the crime scene. It is with the aid of math, that forensic scientists can discover the story of the crime and help the police bring the criminal to justice! You can read more about this topic on the